Here are the guidelines for recruiting new members into the Freedom Fighter Fleet (FFF) community, based on the provided information. These guidelines ensure a thorough and professional approach to recruitment while maintaining the integrity and security of the community.
Recruitment Guidelines for Freedom Fighter Fleet (FFF)
1. Security Screening
Extensive Security Screening:
All recruits must undergo an extensive security screening process.
This includes checking their friends list, communities, and follow list to ensure there are no affiliations with hostile entities.
2. Blacklist Compliance
No Recruiting from Blacklisted Individuals:
Do not recruit individuals from sessions involving blacklisted, hostile, or KOS-listed individuals.
3. Combat Engagement
No Recruitment During Enemy Engagement:
Avoid recruiting anyone from sessions where we are currently attacked by enemy forces.
4. Communication Requirements
Discord Requirement:
All recruits must have Discord for effective communication within the community.
5. Rules Acknowledgment
Review of Rules and Policy:
All recruits must be thoroughly briefed on the rules and policies of the community.
6. Professionalism and Activity
Professional Conduct:
Recruits must demonstrate professionalism and maintain activity for at least 3 days each week.
If unable to meet this requirement, recruits must notify their recruiter with a valid reason.
7. Community Contribution
Willingness to Contribute:
All recruits must show a commitment to help the community grow and thrive.
8. Continuous Work Ethic
Availability for Tasks:
Recruits must be willing to continuously work when needed and participate in community activities.
9. Obedience to Authority
Follow Orders:
All recruits must adhere to the orders of those appointed over them and respect the chain of command.
10. Instruction Compliance
Ability to Follow Instructions:
Recruits must demonstrate the capability to follow simple instructions without issue.
11. Loyalty Requirement
Demonstrate Loyalty:
Recruits must exhibit loyalty to the Freedom Fighter Fleet and its members.
12. Communication Protocols
Report Inactivity:
Recruits must communicate with staff regarding any inactivity or inability to attend scheduled events.
13. Enlistment Oath
Completion of Enlistment Oath:
All recruits must complete an enlistment oath to formalize their commitment to the community.
14. Rockstar ID Submission
Provide Rockstar ID:
Recruits must submit their exact Rockstar ID to either US-SEAL-18 or DuffSkully prior to receiving FFFC tags.
Note: No Rockstar ID means no FFFC tags will be issued.
15. Recruitment Integrity
No In-Game Recruitment:
Do not recruit personnel who approach you in-game or claim to have been vouched for by specific FFFC members without verifying with that member first.
Final Note
All of the above guidelines are REQUIRED to be followed diligently.
All personnel within the community are authorized to recruit new members, provided they adhere to these standards.
Last updated