Basic Knowledge
Team Leaders vs Team Members
Explain this to the recruit's.
Orders are absolute unless, The order is unlawful.
Sticking with your team.
Explain the importance.
Welcome to the Infantry Training Course,
Section/Squad attacks:
Section/Squad Attacks happen in what is called a BACD Formation
Bravo (#1 M249 Gunner #1 Grenadier)
Alpha (Section/Squad IC, #1 Rifleman)
Charlie (#2 Rifleman #2 Grenadier)
Delta (Section/Squad 2IC, #2 M249 Gunner)
And they will conduct a frontal attack
Frontal Attack
What is a frontal attack? A frontal Attack happens when a Section/Squad comes under fire or is going to conduct a deliberate attack/raid, While conducting a Frontal attack 3 Thins will be called, Section Section Section, When this is called there is 2 Battle groups, Bravo and Alpha are in Battle Group 1 and Charlie and Delta are in Battle Group 2, When in a frontal is being conducted BG2 "Yells" Covering and covers fire while BG1 Moves, BG1 will than yell "Yell" Covering while covering BG2, after a couple bounds of Section bounding it than breaks down into Group Group Group, This is when the leaders lead the fight, Alpha and Delta will make the first bounds while Bravo and Charlie "Yell" Covering, Alpha and Delta will than "yell" Covering while Bravo and Charlie Moves, they will conduct a few more bounds before Team Team Team gets called, This is when the IC, 2IC or Rifleman Move first while the others cover
Weapon systems and the different types of fire rates and weapon drills:
Weapons: M16 (M16 Carbine)/M4 M60 M249 (SAW) M72A3 LAW
Types of Fire:
Will be controlled by squad commander, LMGS are only to be doing Rapid rate Normal Rate of Fire: 2 rounds every 5-10 seconds Rapid Rate of Fire: 30 rounds every 30 seconds LMG Burst: Controlled 5 round burst every 5 seconds LMG Rapid Rate of Fire: 20 round bursts every 5 seconds
Setting up a "Patrol Base":
Rucking into area near enemy base/camp and Performing a 5 minute listening halt to ensure we were not followed, and than proceeding to set up a small patrol base that will be there for no more than 24 hours or unless found by enemy than you must move positions
What to do when you come under fire on a patrol on foot [Peel (Aussie Peel back)]:
Last man will run past 2rd to last man in line pass them and say, “last man” while moving to the third in line and saying “1 more” as the last man passes them they say “last man”
What to do when you come under fire on a patrol on foot [Contact report]
(HQ Callsign) this is (Your callsign) Contact report over, (HQ Callsign) Send over, (HQ Callsign) (Your Callsign) Number of enemy (IE 7 Enemy pers) Type of Enemy (IE On foot patrolling with soft skin vehicle) Type of weapons (IE Small arms) What they are doing (IE Patrolling Shooting at you) Their Grid (IE 2308 - 1205) Your Grid (IE 2301 - 1202) Distance from you (IE 100 meters from our pos) What you are doing (IE Returning fire) Time of Contact (IE 1020)
Radio Procedures:
Radio Checks: (HQ Callsign) this is (Your callsign) Radio Check over, Return (Your callsign) this is (HQ Callsign) Loud and Clear Broken but readable
Broken and Unreadable
Arms Indicator
Infantry – India
Armor – Tango
Artillery – Golf
Engineers – Echo
Transport Helos- Hotel
Attack Helos- Whiskey
Special Forces – Juliet
Anti Air Vehicles – Xray
Attack Aircraft – November
Supply Vehicle - Uniform
Last updated